European Transport / Trasporti Europei

Issue n° 53, April 2013

Issue n° 53, April 2013

de Lapparent, M., Axhausen , K.W., Frei, A. - Long distance mode choice and distributions of values of travel time savings in three European countries

Weismann, P. - The genesis of the new Eurovignette Directive

Subbarao, S.S.V., Krishna Rao, K,V. - Trip Chaining Behavior in Developing Countries: A Study of Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India

Tu, T. V., Sano, K.- A car lane-changing model under bus priority-lane effects

Lupo, T. - Strategic analysis of transit service quality using fuzzy AHP methodology

Rastogi, R., Ilango, T., Chandra, S. - Pedestrian flow characteristics for different pedestrian facilities and situations

Papers from the 14th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT) held in Poznan, Poland, on September 6 - 9, 2011 on “Traffic management and traffic behavior: a European perspective”.

Zak, J., Fierek, S., Rossi, R., Gastaldi, M. - Introduction to a selection of papers on “Traffic management and traffic behavior: a European perspective”

Fusco, G., Bielli, M., Cipriani, E., Gori, S., Nigro, M. - Signal settings synchronization and dynamic traffic modelling

Gastaldi M., Rossi R., Vescovi R. - Analysing the capacity of a transportation network. A general theoretical approach

Meneguzzer, C., Rossi, R. – Analysis and control of the interaction between vehicular and pedestrian flows on roundabout approaches

Dell’Acqua, G., Russo, F., Mauro, R. - Validation procedure for predictive functions of driver behaviour on two-lane rural roads